My Store

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Using an iphone like device to ring up and check out customers. They use this software and hardware at the Apple store. This hardware/software allows for the associate to scan the barcode of the products being purchased and if the customer pays credit they have a swipe attached to the phone. Then the store provides wither a printed receipt or the option to email it to you. The lines in your store are eliminated and the fast transactions provide more focus on the customer and higher sales. One CEO who tried this out said, “the retailer benefited by not losing customers to long checkout lines, giving cashiers the opportunity to instead assist customers.” [1]
Video chat software to communicate on the go and see what is happening through out your company. “ Videoconferencing on hand-held mobile devices…is being used in industries such as manufacturing…Live, visual interaction removes traditional restrictions of distance and time, often in locations previously unreachable, such as a manufacturing plant floor a continent away.” [2] This is great software to you especially if your company is nationally it takes time to fly places. But with video chat it is possible to see everything that is going on through out your company at any time.
Using a tablet/ipad in retail store to communicate floor set plans, these plans are used by associates to set up the sales floor for a new theme or products. By using this piece of hardware the home offices have an instant connection with their stores and can provide faster updates to the stores. Also keeps the stores more organized the less paper the better for knowing where everything is.
There is currently software available that allows a person to access their desktop computer on their mobile phone or tablet. This helps when you are out in the field or at a meeting and need to access a file on your computer that you may have forgotten or known you needed. The icloud is one great example of this more for a smaller company. “iCloud is so much more than a hard drive in the sky. It’s the effortless way to access just about everything on all your devices. iCloud stores your content so it’s always accessible from your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, or PC.* It gives you instant access to your music, apps, latest photos, and more. And it keeps your email, contacts, and calendars up to date across all your devices. No syncing required. No management required. In fact, no anything required. iCloud does it all for you.” [3]
Works Cited
[1]"IPhone App Scans Product Barcodes for Self-Checkout at Stores." Social Media News and Web Tips â €“ Mashable â €“ The Social Media Guide . Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>.
[3]"ICloud Stores Your Content and Pushes It to Your Devices." Apple. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>.
[2]"Videoconferencing." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>.

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