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Thursday, December 15, 2011



Computer-aided software engineering are tools that automate many of the tasks required in a systems development effort and encourage adherence to the SDLC. “Main purpose of the CASE tools is to decrease the development time and increase the quality of software.” [1]. These tools can be very helpful cause they can be used to cut out many of the beginning steps in creating many different kinds of systems including database systems. There are many companies that have created CASE tools for businesses to use. Select Business Soluntions had a very interesting group of CASE Tools that is broken down like this:

Select Business Solutions has been developing and building these CASE tools since the late 1980s, as well as developing processes and methods to support high quality application development .

Solution Breakdown

Select Architect - a Business Process Modeling (BPM/BPMN), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and Data (ERD/TRD) Modeling CASE Tool

Select Solution Factory - couples the modeling power of Select Architect with code synchronization and software asset management capabilities

Select SSADM - a Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology CASE Tool

Select Yourdon - a real time CASE Tool supporting the Yourdon, Hatley-Pirbhai and Ward-Mellor real-time extensions [2]

CASE tools are a great aid in the systems development world and the business world. The tools make the process of designing a system much similar because of the aid it provides the users. like writing the languages. But the users do run some risk in using the tools such as, “ Weak repository controls : Failure to adequately control access to CASE repositories may result in security breaches or damage to the work documents, system designs, or code modules stored in the repository. Controls include protecting the repositories with appropriate access, version, and backup controls.”[3]. It can also be risky because the tools do come at a high cost and they do take time to learn so cannot be implemented right away. These tools are very helpful in the work environment but do come with a price.

[1] "Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE Tools)." SEO Expert Services |SEO Solutions|Google SEO Consultant UK| Cheap SEO. Web. 12 Dec. 2011.

[2] Select Business Solutions . Web. 12 Dec. 2011.

[3] "Computer-aided Software Engineering." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 12 Dec. 2011.

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