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Thursday, December 15, 2011


"Companies across all industries rely on decision support tools, techniques, and models to help them assess and resolve everyday business questions." [1] The DSS use data like sales data, inventory data, supplier data, and market research data to aid in the decision process. DSS have become critical in all types of business due to the quick market changes that take place in the global market. Having a comprehensive DSS will provide a company with a greater competitive advantage.

There are many different DSS software out their for companies to choose from to use to help in the decision making process. When looking at the different kinds of software impound one that mentioned something really interesting about working with different ideas from many people. This DSS was from Vanguard Software Corporation and was called Business Analytics Suite. "Vanguard's collaboration abilities go well beyond simple communication strategies like Web conferencing...Individuals throughout your organization use our innovative model-based approach to describe to the Vanguard System how they make decisions or perform particular tasks. In doing this, users capture knowledge, or know-how, that is specific to your business. The Vanguard System can combine the knowledge captured by many individuals to create a Collective Intelligence that is useful for testing business plans and automating routine operations."[2]. This would be very helpful in the decision making process because the software gathers information from the workers and data on the decision at hand and then comes up with the best solution for your company.

"It is important to note that the DSS field does not have a universally accepted model. That is to say, there are many theories vying for supremacy in this broad field."[3]. This could make it hard for a company to find the perfect DSS for their needs. So some research will have to go into the decision. It is also important to remember that the decisions the DSS makes are not finally and the ultimately choice still lies in the hands of a human.

[1]"Decision Support System." MicroStrategy Business Intelligence and Mobile Business Intelligence. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .

[2]"Decision Support System Software." Vanguard Software Corporation - Forecasting & Planning Solutions. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .

[3]"Decision Support System | IT Management | Asked and Answered." Tech-FAQ ». Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .





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